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Главная » 2013 » Январь » 6 » Pdf995 Printer Driver 11.8
Pdf995 Printer Driver 11.8

PDF995 Printer Driver - это программа для быстрого создания PDF документов с расширенными возможностями. PDF995 Printer Driver устанавливается в системе как драйвер принтера, и если послать на него из любой программы (например, MS Word) документ на печать, то Pdf995 вместо печати запишет его как файл PDF. Можно включать гиперсвязи и закладки, автоматически добавить созданный файл PDF в электронное письмо, собрать из нескольких файлов один, экстрагировать текст и сделать многое другое.

Pdf995 makes it easy and affordable to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface helps you to create PDF files by simply selecting the "print" command from any application, creating documents which can be viewed on any computer with a PDF viewer. let's meet on zhmak.info Pdf995 supports network file saving, fast user switching on XP, Citrix/Terminal Server, custom page sizes and large format printing. Pdf995 is a printer driver that works with any Postscript to PDF converter. Once on your computer, just click to install and you're ready to start creating professional-quality PDF files from any application the fast affordable way.

To create a PDF file:

Print a document from any application choosing the PDF995 printer from the printer dialog. Do NOT select "print to file." You will be prompted to enter the name of the PDF file you wish to create. The PDF will be automatically launched in Acrobat (pdfEdit995 may be used to configure this option).

The free version of PDF995 will display a sponsor page in your web browser each time you create a PDF file. If you would prefer not to see sponsor pages, you may download a license key for $9.95.

Please visit our site to see our FAQ, our software license or to contact us. Our FAQ contains instructions for installing Pdf995 on Citrix/Terminal Server and as a Shared Network Printer.

To edit a PDF file and configure pdf995:

pdfEdit995 is a free tool available for download at www.pdf995.com/pdfedit.html. With pdfEdit995 you can customize your pdf995 output with an easy-to-use utility: Turn off auto-launch, preview and email documents, insert bookmarks, add links, combine files, change page orientation, add "Confidential" stamps, create PDF stationery, adjust image resolution, summarize documents, create batch print jobs from Microsoft Office applications and choose from several file naming methods to bypass the Save As dialog in Pdf995.

To add a Digital Signature or encrypt a PDF file:

Signature995 is a free tool available for download at www.signature995.com. Signature995 uses Microsoft Cryptographic technologies to give you 128-bit DES encryption, offering a high level of protection for all your Internet communications, including legal documents and financial transactions. Signature995 employs Microsoft digital certificate technologies to create and validate digital signatures. Signature995 can be used to restrict printing, modifying, copying text and images for PDF documents. It is both powerful and easy to use.

Язык Интерфейса: Английский
Платформа/ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8.
Размер : 14.54 MB

Скачать Pdf995 Printer Driver 11.8
Категория: Софт | Просмотров: 877 | Добавил: Serjio | Теги: софт, Soft, Pdf995 Printer Driver, программы | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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